NGC 147 and NGC 185     

NGC 147 and NGC 185 are two small elliptical galaxies that are satellites of M 31, the Andromeda Galaxy. In my image, NGC 185 is on the left, while NGC 147 is on the right. NGC 147 and NGC 185 are located in the sky around 6 degrees north of M 31 in the neighboring constellation Cassiopeia, and are separated by around 1 degree. NGC 185 is the brighter of the two (visual magnitude 10.1) and lies at a distance of around 2.05 million LY from us. NGC 147 has a visual magnitude of 10.5 and lies at a distance of around 2.53 million LY. Research suggests that these two small galaxies form a stable binary system with an orbit around M 31 that does not result in their plunging into the larger spiral galaxy in the forseeable future.
To produce the image shown above, I mosaiced two separate color composite images, with each color composite image created from six 7-minute exposures in the red, green and blue spectral bands.

Date(s) Acquired: 28 and 29 October 2014
Telescope: Orion 120mm EON Apochromatic Refractor
Camera: QSI Model 583


   Exposure Time (min) 
   Number of Exposures


Master red, green, and blue images created using SuperSIAM.
Color composite image created using Basic Processing Procedure III.
Color composite image contrast-stretched using Adobe Photoshop.
Individual color composite images (2) mosaiced using Adobe Photoshop.



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